martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

Error error installing sass error failed to build gem native extension

I was getting the same error , but before following any of the instructions here I . Unable to install sass with ruby gem. Failing to build gem native. Sass installation error dic.

Más resultados de stackoverflow. En caché Traducir esta página feb. Error installing sass: Failed to build. Password: Building native extensions.

You could also try just installing the ruby-dev package: sudo apt-get install ruby- dev. Updating installed gems Updating sass Building native extensions. In order to install compass On Mac OS X 10. Yosemite)had to perform the. Installing the Xcode Command Line Tools are the key to getting Compass . ERROR : Failed to build gem native extension.

Laravel5のElixir機能には、ruby側の sass でコンパイルする機能があります。(mix. rubySass()). When running this command for the first time, you get this error. Al correr el comando gem install sass me muestra este Resultado de la consola,. Para Sass, Compass y NPM, necesitas tener Xcode en tu Mac OSX. Solução rápida para um erro comum durante a instalação do Rails e gems no MacOS.

In this beginner guide we take you through the first steps of getting. JavaScript files are locate what extensions to require,. In the Deploy a website course, I am getting error messages.

Successfully installed rb-fsevent-0. Gem files will remain installed in. A friend of mine said it could be a problem with sass. A guide to setting up a Ruby on Rails development environment on Ubuntu 16.

CSS file with the extension “. If Rails or Rake are complaining about a missing gem that is listed in your. Learn how to build a Docker image with a working Ruby environment and deploy a Ruby. One thing to note — we will not cover Docker installation. Install the required compilers, RVM and latest ruby version, then try to. In native Windows, use the command prompt to run ZAT commands.

The ZAT gem and a number of supporting gems are installed , along with related documentation. Alternatively, I did not try this solution, but it seems to have worked for other people. However, I have error like below, is there anyone who know how to fix it? Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql. The Gosu gem requires some libraries to be installed system-wide.

Trying to install gitlab, I am stuck at charlock_holmes. Has anyone successfully setup gitlab on gentoo? Using bootstrap- sass (.).

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